TwitterFone is free service that lets you update your Twitter (now known as X) feed using your voice from any mobile or cell phone. You call it, speak your tweet, and hang up. A short while later, your tweet will be posted on Twitter. Magic!
TwitterFone is great for when you're on the go - in the car, on a train, or running between meetings - and don't have WiFi or time to log on to the internet.
You can also listen to your Twitter stream, and while you're listening, you can record a reply or send a direct message - cool huh! And if you login via Google, you can also share your content on YouTube simultaneously!
How does it work?
TwitterFone transcribes what you've said from voice to text, and posts it to your Twitter feed for you.
The service is free and just uses regular minutes from your regular phone plan. There are TwitterFone numbers in many countries, so you should always have a TwitterFone number near you.
When TwitterFone answers, just speak your tweet, and then hangup. TwitterFone will then transcibe your tweet and post it to Twitter. A short time after you call - typically 5-10 minutes - it'll be there.
What else can TwitterFone do?
1. Listen
You can listen to your Twitterfone stream. When Twitterfone answers, press 1 to listen and Twitterfone will playback your stream
2. Record a reply
While you are listening, you can press 2 to record a reply (@) to a Tweet
3. Send a direct message (d)
While you are listening, you can press 3 to record a direct message (d)
Are there any other useful commands?
If you are listening to your stream (i.e. you have already pressed 1 to listen) you can press 4 to go back to a previous Tweet or 6 to go forward
What doesn't it do?
TwitterFone only works with Twitter -- it is NOT a general all-purpose "voice lifestreaming" service.
What do I need to use TwitterFone?
In order to use TwitterFone you need to have a Twitter account and a mobile phone. To get set up with TwitterFone, you need to have an invitation , which comes with a one-time only invitation number.
If you don't want to use your phone number, you can also use a virtual number from SmsApp.
Once you have your invitation, you can register with the TwitterFone service. During registration, you'll be asked for your email address, your Twitter credentials, and your mobile phone number. As a security measure, we'll validate your mobile phone during the registration process by sending you a text message with a code in it, and asking you to enter that code on the website.
Once you're done that - you're done! You can start using TwitterFone immediately by dialing the local number we give you when you're registered.